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Saturday, 22 June 2013


In a modern military, a missile is a self-propelled guided weaponsystem, as opposed to an unguided self-propelled munition, referred to as just a rocket (weapon) . Missiles have four system components: targeting and/or guidance, flight system, engine, and warhead. Missiles come in types adapted for different purposes: surface-to-surface and air-to-surface missiles (ballistic, cruise, anti-ship, anti-tank, etc.), surface-to-air missiles (anti-aircraft and anti-ballistic), air-to-air missiles, andanti-satellite missiles. All known existing missiles are designed to be propelled during powered flight by chemical reactions inside a rocket engine, jet engine, or other type of engine. Non-self-propelled airborne explosive devices are generally referred to as shellsand usually have a shorter range than missiles.
An ordinary English-language usage predating guided weapons is simply any thrown object, such as items thrown at players by rowdy spectators at a sporting event.
Types of missiles:
  • Conventional guided missiles
    • Air-to-air missile
    • Air-to-surface missile
    • Anti-ballistic missile
    • Anti-satellite weapon
    • Anti-ship missile
    • Anti-submarine missile
    • Anti-tank guided missile
    • Land-attack missile
    • Surface-to-air missile 
    • Surface-to-surface missile
    • Wire-guided missile
  • Cruise missiles
  • Ballistic missiles
    • Tactical ballistic missile
    • Short-range ballistic missile
    • Theatre ballistic missile
    • Medium-range ballistic missile
    • Intermediate-range ballistic missile
    • Intercontinental ballistic missile
    • Submarine-launched ballistic missile
    • Air-launched ballistic missile

Missile construction

Device Sizes

The size of the device is one of the most important considerations. It determines the available amount of room for the propulsion, guidance, and payload. It also determines which launchers are capable of handling the device, as well as where the device can be mounted on a craft.
Based on the tech level of the device, a certain amount of mass is taken up by the shell of the device itself. At lower tech levels, only a fraction of their mass is actually available for their payload.
10 kilograms 
Can be mounted in a rocket pod which is attached to an outboard or inboard wing hardpoint. Too small to attach to a launch rail. 10 kg missiles are 80mm rockets.
50 kilograms 
Can be mounted on a missile rack, or attached directly to a launch rail. 50 kg missiles are 120mm rockets.
65 kilograms 
Can be mounted on a missile rack, or attached directly to a launch rail.
100 kilograms 
Can be mounted on a missile rack which is attached to an outboard or inboard wing hardpoint, or attached directly to a launch rail or to an outboard hardpoint. Too small to attach to an inboard wing hardpoint.
200 kilograms 
Can be mounted directly to an outboard or inboard wing hardpoint.
250 kilograms 
Can be mounted directly to an outboard or inboard wing hardpoint.
350 kilograms 
Can be mounted directly to an outboard or inboard wing hardpoint.
500 kilograms 
Can be mounted directly to an outboard or inboard wing hardpoint.
1 000 kilograms 
Can be mounted directly to an inboard wing hardpoint.
1 250 kilograms 
Can be mounted directly to an inboard wing hardpoint.
1 500 kilograms 
Can be mounted directly to an inboard wing hardpoint.
2 000 kilograms 
Can be mounted directly to an inboard wing hardpoint.
2 500 kilograms 
Can only be carried in a bay.
3 000 kilograms 
Can only be carried in a bay.
4 000 kilograms 
Can only be carried in a bay.
5 000 kilograms 
Can only be carried in a bay.
6 000 kilograms 
Can only be carried in a bay.
7 500 kilograms 
Can only be carried in a bay.
8 000 kilograms 
Can only be carried in a bay.
9 000 kilograms 
Can only be carried in a bay.
10 000 kilograms 
Can only be carried in a bay.
Larger weapons, like ICBMs, are external vehicles that are launched from dedicated platforms. They are designed under the Referee's Manual using the standard unit design rules. Their Cargo/Payload space can then be filled with payload components from this document.
Smaller devices, like bombs, missiles, torpedos, and the like, are designed entirely on this page; they do not require special considerations like armour and the like.

Available mass

A certain proportion of any device goes to its hull. At lower tech levels, weaker metallurgical skill as well as poorer engineering principles mean that the device requires a very large proportion of its mass just for its own frame. As technology improves, the amount of mass required for the frame itself decreases, meaning that the device can sport a larger payload, better guidance, and stronger propulsion.

Custom frames

To create a custom size, simply select the desired mass. Then compare its Tech Level to the table to the right to determine how much of its total mass is available for propulsion, guidance, and payload.
Note that the frames equal to or less than 250 kilograms on the chart are sometimes either more efficient or less efficient than those designed under this system. For the specific masses listed on the chart, the values on the chart have precedence.

Standard integrity

All devices have a Disabled Hull Rating on the personal scale equal to the square root of their mass divided by 10, rounded down, with a minimum of 2. They have a Destroyed Hull Rating, again on the personal scale, equal to the Disabled Hull Rating times 2.5. Thus, all devices will have at least 2/5 in their hull rating for purposes of how much damage on the personal scale it takes to damage and/or destroy them.
Integrity of Standard Sizes
10 kg2/5250 kg5/122 000 kg14/356 000 kg24/60
50 kg2/5350 kg5/122 500 kg15/377 500 kg27/67
65 kg2/5500 kg7/173 000 kg17/428 000 kg28/70
100 kg3/71 000 kg10/254 000 kg20/509 000 kg30/75
200 kg4/101 250 kg11/275 000 kg22/5510 000 kg31/77
When a device is disabled, it loses guidance and propulsion and proceeds ballistically, assuming it is in operation at the time. If it uses an electronic detonator, it becomes inert. Any electronic systems in its payload also stop operating. Otherwise, however, a disabled weapon is still active and will still explode on impact if it has a physical trigger.
When a weapon is destroyed, the method of destruction has an influence on whether the weapon will "sympathetically detonate". In most cases, destroying a weapon means that the device will simply break apart harmlessly, particularly in cases like nuclear weapons which must produce critical mass in order to detonate. Refer to the "Warheads and Payloads" section to see how the weapon reacts to being destroyed.

Standard armour

Devices also have natural armour that is computed based on their Tech Level and their mass. The smallest weapons (e.g., 80 mm rockets) simply do not have enough mass to have significant armour levels.
The base Armour Value of any device is equal to the average of the Tech Level of the device and its mass in tonnes, with all fractions truncated (i.e., 0.999 or less is rounded down).
Example: The MOAB, a TL9 bomb weighing 10 000 kg, has AV9. The Fat Man, a TL5 nuclear bomb weighing 4 630 kg, has AV4.
Additional armour can be added by consuming the weapon's payload with Kinetic Energy Projectile mass, which is handled under the "Warheads and Payloads" section.

Guidance Systems

A dumb-fire "guidance" system is simply the lack of a guidance system. When launched, the device flies directly forward. In military lingo, any unguided self-propelled weapon is usually considered a "rocket" and not a "missile".
Infrared Homing 
Infrared-homing missiles seek out the heat signature that they can "see" using their forward sensor. The launch platform identifies where the heat signature is, and when the missile identifies this signature, it can then be launched. They can be distracted by the use of high-intensity infrared flares, by flying through a fireball, or by tricking them into locking onto the local star.
Semi-Active Radar Homing 
Semi-active radar homing missiles, when fired, seek out reflections of electromagnetic (radar) radiation that are fired by the launching aircraft and reflected off of the intended target. If a guided air-to-ground missile is heading in the general direction of the target, the firing platform need only illuminate the target at the end of the missile's flight for as little time as it takes to ensure the missile has enough time to course-correct and impact the target: semi-active radar homing air-to-ground missiles are thus useful for stealth purposes, as the enemy will only notice the radar emissions within a few moments of impact.
Active Radar Homing 
Active radar homing missiles use their own radar emissions and seek out the reflections of these emissions actively. They depend on their firing platform to guide them into the target until they reach 10 kilometres' distance or less from the target; thereafter, the ARH system on board the missile takes over for itself.
Fire-and-Forget Active Radar Homing 
Fire-and-forget active radar homing missiles use special shielding that allows them to self-guide immediately after launch without worrying about the parent aircraft accidentally blinding their sensors. This allows the firing platform to launch missiles and then return to nap-of-earth flight or break course without having to guide the missiles to close range.
Laser-Designator Homing 
Laser-designator homing missiles are chiefly useful for air-to-ground purposes, relying on a forward observer on the ground to "paint" the intended target with an infrared pattern. The homing missile searches for this pattern and impacts within a metre or two of the indicated spot. Their disadvantage, of course, is that if the forward observer is killed or wounded and no longer able to point the laser designator, the missile will be unable to "see" its intended impact site and will fly as a ballistic projectile on its last course.
Silhouette Recognition Homing 
Silhouette recognition homing missiles rely on an advanced suite of electronic "eyes" which obtain a partial three-dimensional model of the target and then actively pursue that target, attempting to remember and extrapolate what the target looks like. Such systems are very effective due to their complete independence of reflected electronic signals, though they are less useful in low-light conditions.
Radio Telemetry Guided 
Radio telemetry guided missiles operate through the use of advanced triangulation systems which identify the missile's exact position within five or fewer metres, allowing very precise guidance towards an enemy target. They depend on an external telemetry network to provide them with accurate data, however, and lose all guidance when this telemetry is lost.
Neutrino Homing 
Neutrino homing missiles seek out the emissions given out by a nuclear fusion or nuclear fission reaction. They are particularly useful as a fusion-powered or nuclear-powered vehicle, aircraft, or starship must keep its engine online to operate; such a unit could shut down its engines long enough to avoid the missile, but restarting the engines could prove very difficult.
Gravitic Homing 
Gravitic homing missiles classify the target as a mass of particles, and use their hyper-sensitive gravitic sensors to follow the target with that exact mass. The only way to "spoof" a gravitic homing missile is to lose mass suddenly; if an aircraft or vehicle loses more than 10% of its current mass, the gravitic missile will lose sight of the target.
Semi-Intelligent Homing 
These devices are the next closest thing to sentient sophonts. Upon seeing and recognising their target, they will do everything within their power to ensure that they fulfill their objective, including attacking anyone who may attempt to distract them while avoiding decoys and feints.
Sonic Homing 
Sonic homing missiles emit a very loud pulse, then wait until they can hear an echo from their intended target, navigating in such a fashion to ensure that the time between pulses and echoes always decreases every time—in effect, they triangulate the position of the enemy. They are only useful underwater, because the natural environment is quiet. In atmosphere, sound travels more slowly and is louder, making it pointless to use when radar homing is much simpler and more effective. In space, sound does not travel at all.
Wire Guided 
Wire-guided devices are controlled directly by their launch platform through the use of electrical signals along a trailing wire. The gunner of the launch platform essentially steers the missile manually, or uses the unit's targetting computer, in order to provide course corrections for the weapon and guide it into the enemy. If however the wire is somehow broken or cut during launch or before impact, the weapon loses control and travels aimlessly.
Remote Controlled 
Radio-guided missiles are similar to wire-guided missiles and are operated by remote control, except they use wireless communications in the radio EM band for guidance instead of a wire. Though less prone to error than wire-guided systems, at least in atmosphere, they are not without their drawbacks. Radio signals can be jammed by electronic countermeasures, and the high frequency radio signals necessary for precision have poor or negligible performance underwater.

Warheads and Payloads

Missiles, bombs, and other devices are chiefly used for their payloads, which determines both their power as well as their actual purpose.
Kinetic Energy Projectile 
A kinetic-energy-projectile warhead is simply a heavy mass of inert material, such as depleted uranium, lead, or iron. Its damage-dealing potential is inflicted purely by merit of its speed and mass. It does not explode or deliver any payload except itself against the target: it is, in effect, a gigantic bullet.
A high-explosive warhead is equipped with an amount of explosive: a substance which, when ignited, converts into gas at staggeringly rapid speeds, rupturing its container into shrapnel and producing a powerful shockwave.
High-Explosive Anti-Tank warheads produce a hot shard of superplastic (but still relatively solid) metal upon impact. This shard receives the majority of the momentum of the missile and thus acts as a highly-focused kinetic projectile. Though the name implies temperature, the shard is kinetic in nature and does not "melt" through a target even though it is very hot.
A thermobaric warhead releases a quantity of flammable aerosol into the air which is simultaneously ignited and exploded. It performs similarly to a high-explosive warhead, but provides a longer-lasting overpressure ("blast wind") which is more devastating to objects with little armour, like personnel, aircraft, ground cars, and non-reinforced buildings. Because the explosive used does not need to have its own oxidant, the blast potential can be greater than with a conventional high explosive.
Tandem Charge 
A tandem charge warhead is a pair of warheads in sequence, carefully timed to detonate sequentially. The first warhead is smaller and goes off upon impact. The second warhead is a HEAT warhead and travels through the hole made and explodes an instant later. This is ideal for breaching armour, particularly explosive reactive armour.
Gravitic Explosive 
A gravitic style of warhead uses gravitic fields to shape a standard explosive cloud, producing a shockwave constrained to the horizontal. It is ideal against buildings, which are generally not designed to resist shear force.
Cluster warheads are actually "racks" that contain a large number of small "bomblets", and are designed to break apart before they actually impact their targets. When the "primer" charge in the cluster warhead explodes, the bomblets fall out of the cluster bomb and deliver a wide area effect of small explosions.
Flak warheads are projectiles that contain many small metal bearings around a central explosive cylinder. When reaching a pre-programmed distance from their target, the central explosive canister explodes, sending the bearings flying in all directions -- much like a gigantic shotgun. They are used against soft-skinned aircraft and vehicles.
Flechette warheads are quite similar to flak warheads, but use sharp metal darts as opposed to ball bearings. They are intended to be used against personnel: flak, though effective against personnel, is not as effective as a flechette warhead. However, the flechette shards lose speed much faster and thus have a reduced effective radius.
SCAM is short for SCAtterable Mines. A SCAM warhead is like a cluster warhead, except its bomblets are larger and not designed to explode on impact. Once each bomblet impacts the ground, it waits a few seconds and then arms itself, becoming a landmine: anything which provides a sudden jolt to the mine—such as a vehicle running over the mine, or a person kicking the mine while running—causes the mine to explode. Anti-personnel SCAM warheads can also use self-deployed trip wires which launch themselves a short time after coming to rest; anything which pulls on a trip wire even slightly will cause a detonation. Magnetic triggers are also common, which will detonate when a sufficiently large metal object passes nearby.
Incendiary warheads are also known as "thermite" warheads, and contain a large amount of powdered rust. When the warhead explodes, this rust is instantly heated to several thousand degrees and flies in all directions as molten beads of metal. Such devices cause fires and ruin sensitive metallic equipment, making them the resort of choice for scuttling downed technology that should not fall into the hands of the enemy. They are, however, generally ineffective against most other targets.
Electronic Countermeasures 
An ECM payload broadcasts a powerful electromagnetic signature which jams sensitive electronic equipment. An ECM payload will blind semi-active and active radar-homing missiles, interfere with guidance radomes aboard aircraft, and prevent most forms of radar from functioning; it will likewise introduce static into most forms of radio communications that have been received or broadcasted in the local area. Unlike most other payloads, ECM missiles attempt to remain airborne as long as possible, circling their intended target, and will only stop functioning when they run out of fuel and crash land or if their batteries are wholly drained.
Illumination warheads explode in mid-air, releasing powerful burning magnesium-based flares on parachutes that emit a bright white light for up to sixty seconds. Coloured versions of illumination warheads also exist, though they are rare.
Smoke warheads are designed to explode on impact with the ground, though airborne variants exist as well. When they explode, they release a large cloud of thick smoke which rapidly expands to obscure several hundred cubic metres of volume within a dozen or so seconds of detonation.
Sandcaster warheads unleash a massive quantity of thick, light powder into the air upon reaching their pre-set detonation point. This powder obscures most forms of infrared, ultraviolet, and visual-spectrum light, inhibiting or preventing the use of laser-based weapons.
Electromagnetic Pulse 
EMP warheads explode above the ground a short distance from their intended target, blinding most forms of radar and releasing free electrons into the air which can short out sensitive digital devices, potentially even eradicating digital data stored on computers.
Nuclear Fusion 
Fusion warheads excite nuclei of deuterium and hydrogen until they fuse into tritium, releasing gigawatts of energy in a particularly satisfying explosion. They are usually detonated above the ground to maximise their effect. Like any form of nuclear-based explosion, fusion explosions are radioactive; however, they are cleaner than fission-based technology. The common "hydrogen bomb" of Terra in the late 20th century is a fusion-based bomb, but it uses a fission-based trigger and a metallic fusion material (lithium deuteride). The fusion bomb of the Imperium requires no such trigger, simply inciting a fusion explosion from highly-compressed liquefied deuterium, allowing the area to be entered within a few hours of primary detonation.
Plasma warheads unleash a superhot cloud of ionised hydrogen gas which rapidly cools into ordinary hydrogen gas. The warhead's damage-dealing potential is generally in its heat moreso than its explosiveness, and the intended target must be contacted directly by the blast to feel the worst effects. However, due to the incredible heat of the explosion (close to the temperature on the surface of the sun), most forms of unprotected matter are vaporised instantly when impacted by the plasma cloud.
Nuclear Fission 
A nuclear fission warhead is a "dirty bomb" which uses a uranium trigger to implode a quantity of plutonium until it reaches critical mass, where it spontaneously breaks down into uranium and free neutrons, creating a cascade reaction which unleashes a devastating explosive potential. Like nuclear fusion bombs, they explode above the ground to maximise their effective radius. Note that primitive fissile-triggered fusion bombs are also considered nuclear fission bombs in the Imperium due to their severely radioactive by-products: only those weapons which specifically unleash pure fusion clouds are called nuclear fusion bombs.
Chemical Aerosol 
Chemical aerosol payloads are designed to release a mist or gaseous agent directly into the atmosphere around a target site. Most chemical weapons are forbidden by interstellar law from use in conflict situations, but nevertheless they still exist. "Insecticide" warheads exist which are intended to be delivered into the air above an infestation area, which further compounds the difficulty of distinguishing weapons of peace from weapons of mass destruction.
Chemical Liquid 
Chemical liquid payloads are similar to chemical aerosol payloads, but are intended to unleash their liquid payload as a small splatter across a given terrain area, usually detonating above the ground in order to achieve the widest distribution. These devices are most often used to deliver napalm-like payloads, but in rarer instances acidic or caustic payloads have been used, and in times of peace such devices can even be used to deliver retardants and foaming agents intended for fighting fires.
Drop Tank 
The drop tank payload is like a chemical liquid payload, except it does not install an explosive nor does it detonate before hitting the ground. It is normally used for carrying fuel externally on fighters and allowing that extra weight to be dropped when entering combat to achieve better performance in a dogfight.
The cargo payload is simply an empty box which can be filled with anything desired. When installed in a device with a Parachute "propulsion", these allow aircraft to drop supplies to troops in the field. Unfortunately, slowly-dropping supplies are often inviting targets for ground-to-air fire.
The personnel payload is simply a sophont-shaped cradle where an adult human lies. The human is usually given hand controls and simple indicators, allowing the device to be steered towards the desired target point and allowing a guidance system to be ignored. Though an obvious use of this payload is as a suicide weapon, the intended purpose is to deliver an operative into a soft surface (like water or snow) stealthily and rapidly into a remote area.


The device is simply a cigar-shaped or oblong-teardrop-shaped cylinder which has no propulsion capability whatsoever. It will fall towards the ground on a predictible trajectory until it impacts (or explodes above ground level, if applicable). Though it follows a predictible course, the device will not generally hit the ground point-first, meaning it is useless for directed warheads (like HEAT and kinetic energy warheads).
Fin-Stabilised Ballistic 
The device is unpropelled, and simply mounts guide fins in order to ensure it always points along its flight path as it falls under gravity, meaning that the weapon impacts point-first, assuming it is not one that detonates above ground level. With a guidance system, the fins allow it rudimentary capability to adjust its flight path, though usually this only allows it to adjust to impact any desired point within a certain radius of its original trajectory.
Gliding Ballistic 
The device installs large "glide wings" in addition to guide fins that allows it to travel considerable distance horizontally before reaching its intended target area. These weapons will fly very far and lose very little horizontal speed until they impact. Such a weapon (with an appropriate guidance system) can also circle a target area for several minutes—even if released at low altitude—before ultimately reaching ground level or the detonation point, making them have better handling characteristics.
Air-Braked Ballistic 
The device installs "drag fins" which are designed to reduce its horizontal velocity and force the device to point downward. The horizontal velocity is rapidly reduced to zero, and the device free-falls directly downward and hits the surface point-first. The drag fins can be controlled by the guidance system to adjust the weapon's path within a narrow cone of the vertical.
The device mounts a parachute inside its rear cylinder which is deployed upon launch. The parachute quickly fills with air and slows the device enough that it can land on the ground safely, or detonate at the exact height necessary.
Jet Engine 
The device uses an air-breathing engine which allows it to accelerate within oxygen atmospheres, also including standard control fin surfaces. In low-oxygen environments, the device "gasps", acting like a gliding ballistic weapon. In oxygen-free environments, the device "suffocates", acting like a fin-stabilised ballistic weapon.
Chemical Rocket 
The device includes an oxidiser and a fuel source and burns this fuel. It also includes standard control fins. It has the flight characteristics of a typical missile.
Low Smoke Chemical Rocket 
The device is like a standard chemical rocket, but uses a special formulation and an afterburner to reduce the amount of smoke produced. This makes the missile much harder to see by the target, reducing the likelihood that the target will be able to evade it in time.
Fusion Rocket 
The device uses a powerful fusion engine that fuses hydrogen and deuterium, producing thrust and ionised (radioactive) tritium. Though obviously not an ideal choice for fighting near a populated environment, they are otherwise useful for attacks against non-strategic enemy targets where the attacker has no intention of protecting the environment; their extremely powerful performance outweighs the humanitarian concerns of damage to an otherwise irrelevant ecosystem.
Jet Aircraft 
The device is essentially an ultra-streamlined aircraft, including stubby wings that run along its length, jet engines, and a tail fin with elevator fins. It is capable of manoeuvring like an ordinary fixed-wing aircraft, although it focuses on speed instead of manoeuvrability and thus has limited turning potential and glide capability. Cruise missiles as well as special ops personnel deployment pods use this propulsion system.
This variant of the chemical rocket uses a special chemical or set of chemicals which react with one another to produce thrust without requiring any external ignition source. This fuel is usually quite expensive, but because of their total lack of external oxidation they can be used in any environment, be it atmospheric, spacial, or submarine.
Compressed Oxygen 
The device stores a large reservoir of heated oxygen under high pressure and burns this oxygen in order to accelerate. It also includes standard control fins. This is usually reserved for torpedo-type weapons or spaceborne missiles.
The device includes a propeller at the back which is powered by an internal electric motor, whose battery life determines how long the device can accelerate. The device is also equipped with standard control fins. In most cases, this technology is usually used for torpedoes. However, unlike compressed oxygen torpedoes, this propulsion method does not produce a significant visible wake and is much quieter.
The device uses a propeller and a heavy flywheel which is spun using the launch platform's electricity. When launched, the device is detached from the launch platform and the propeller is linked to the flywheel; the propeller then spins with the flywheel's momentum, accelerating over a significant distance until the flywheel's momentum is spent. The device also includes standard control fins. This is usually reserved for torpedo-type weapons, and like battery-driven propeller torpedoes it does not produce a cloud of bubbles as its wake.
Pumpjet Torpedo 
The device takes in water through an impeller and propels it out the back at high speed through the use of a powerful turbine engine. These torpedoes are fairly loud and easy to detect, but are much faster than battery-based propeller torpedoes.
Supercavitating Torpedo 
The device is specially-shaped with a flat head and mounts a chemical rocket engine along with basic control fins. Normally, rockets do not work effectively under water because the water blocks the drive and stalls the burning process. If, however, the device produces a cavitation effect that creates a "hole" as it travels through the water, it provides a suitable environment to fly through and the torpedo can travel at extreme speed through the water as if it were an airborne missile! The torpedo is extremely loud and easily detected by the sonar operator of a target submarine vessel, but due to its high speed it is nearly impossible to evade in time.

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